Back at it again! This tip is a little snippet of code for building Dynamic distribution lists for something other than Organizational Units or Branch offices or the other examples. This one is to build a list of Managers. How does one differentiate managers in Active Directory? Title? no because at least in our organization,…
Manage your Stack with WAC and OpenManage
In a previous post, I briefly mentioned managing your Azure Stack HCI with Windows Admin Center (WAC). When you are using Dell hardware, it’s even better with OpenManage! Imagine being able to securely control your server stack from any browser? Even if you don’t allow access from outside the network, imagine how nice it would…
Azure Stack with Only Two Servers
Ok, so that title is a teeny bit of an overstatement. What we’re going to discuss today is not the Azure Stack you have heard so much about. No, today we’re talking about an Azure Stack HCI Cluster. Essentially, it’s a Storage Spaces Direct cluster with brand new shiny marketing and management. While you can…
Convert DHCP Lease to Reservation with Powershell
Scenario : You have just created (by whatever means) a new server. It has gotten an IP address from DHCP and all is working as it should…..However…. Perhaps this server provides a service that requires a static IP (for whatever reason). In the old days, you would fire up the DHCP tool from the RSAT…
Powershell and Devops Summit 2018
Last week was the big Powershell/Devops Summit in Bellevue, WA. I say “big” not as in ginormous 15,000 attendee extravaganzas like Ignite or VMWorld. No, this 365 attendee Summit was big as in the stature of the people there. All the Powershell superstars were there, sharing their knowledge and enthusiastically pushing the rest of us…
Powershell Tuesday Quick Tip #6
Use #Powershell to remotely create a shortcut to a network file share on a user’s desktop
Powershell Tuesday Quick Tip #5
Changing user surname in Active Directory with #Powershell
Powershell Tuesday Quick Tip #4
Enable RDP remotely with Powershell
Powershell Tuesday Quick Tip #3
Two basic printer tricks with Powershell
Powershell Tuesday Quick Tip #2
Cleaning up Active Directory of old computers