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Powershell Tuesday Quick Tip #7

Back at it again!

This tip is a little snippet of code for building Dynamic distribution lists for something other than Organizational Units or Branch offices or the other examples. This one is to build a list of Managers.

How does one differentiate managers in Active Directory? Title? no because at least in our organization, the management team have different titles. Things like ‘Vice President’, ‘Director’,or ‘Controller’ in addition to the more mundane ‘Manager’. This is complicated by the fact that we refer to our outside salesforce as ‘Territory Managers’. So the Title property is right out.

What is the one other property that defines a member of a leadership/management team? Yep – they have someone reporting to them. Enter the “Direct Reports” property!

Team that up with a New-DynamicDistributionGroup Cmdlet and you get a new example like this:

New-DynamicDistributionGroup -DisplayName 'My Company Managers' `
 -Name MCManagers `
 -PrimarySmtpAddress '' `
 -RecipientFilter { DirectReports -ne $null}

*Standard disclaimer about minding the backtick line continuations. This is actually a one liner but considering the important part is at the end, this format is easier to read.

The result is a list of anyone in your organization that has someone reporting to them. Exactly what the HR folks want when they ask for a mailing list of all the managers!

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