Here we go on the next step on the M365 journey, and probably the first item to be done. Intune. Intune may seem like a small item, right? Certainly not as big as email or SharePoint right? Not so fast. Intune, is not just a Mobile device Manager, but rather a Modern Device Manager. This…
M365 Migration – Preparation
If you’ve been following along, you know we talked about planning your migration last time. Now let’s talk about the preparation that should happen before you start migrating things. A lot of the “how” of this depends on the size of your environment, the tools that you have available, or the budget to buy tools….
M365 Migration – The Planning Phase
We’ve all heard the old saying, “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, ” etc. Yep, it’s true. There should be an addition that mentions planning well and thoroughly. The biggest obstacle to a good plan (besides laziness) is a lack of information about the existing environment. If you don’t know what you have, it’s…
Microsoft 365 Migration – The Beginning
There are lots of reasons to move to Microsoft 365. You can apply most of the same logic to Google’s Workspace (formerly G Suite) or Zoho Office, but we’ll focus on Microsoft’s Office 365 portion of the larger M365 product. There are many extras in the margins between Office 365 and Microsoft 365, and we’ll…
It’s been a long time since my “Reflections” post, almost nine months! The last time I posted, I was starting a new journey with a new company, and wow, what a ride! The company has gone through some tough times; I’m not going to sugarcoat it. The week I accepted the offer, they declared bankruptcy!…
SOLVED! Unable to open files from SharePoint in the desktop Office app.
As part of our rollout of Office 365, we had a few users report that after the automated process to uninstall Office 2016 and install Office 365, they could not open some files from our SharePoint 2013 servers. The affected users could not use the “Open in App” feature. They would get the error “We’re…
In late May 1992, I walked into the Houston warehouse of Swiff-Train Company for my first day of work. I was 22 years old and in desperate need of a job. My last few had been odd jobs, short construction gigs, etc. Nothing that would help that end of the month stress around making rent….
Discovering PowerShell: The Power of the Get Command
What’s the PowerShell command for…?” This happens to all of us. We’re working on a task and hit that speedbump where we either have forgotten or just don’t know the command to do that thing. This is where it’s very easy to turn to Google or Bing and and start searching. There is an easier…
Cybersecurity Executive Briefing – Why Defense in Depth
This started as an email to a few people but as the word count climbed, I started thinking that there may be other SMB IT folks out there trying to explain cybersecurity to Executive teams. I am NOT a security ‘expert’, but I do keep as up to date as possible. I hope this helps….
Packing up for Ignite!
Everyone has their own opinions about what to take when packing for a conference. Obviously a lot of the conferences are smaller than Ignite and that makes for a slightly different packing list. Here are a few of the things on my checklist : 1. Two pairs of shoes. It seems silly, but I can…