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Once again life has bitten me in my best intentions.

I promised myself and both my readers that this blog was going to be a regular thing, and in the beginning I did OK.  Then life happened as usual. Between work projects and an increasing feeling of pressure to finish my MS Certifications, blogging fell by the wayside.  This has been somewhat exacerbated by my agonizing over every word going on the screen.

“What if I put out something wrong?”  ” What if I look dumb?”

I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman that I admire and respect who told me to stop agonizing and DO IT.  If there is a mistake, own it, fix it and move on. Spell Check, Grammar Check,  POST he told me.

Later on at TechMentor Don Jones and Jason Helmick talked about how people are slowed by a fear of failure. The “what if..” consumes them into paralysis. To grow, to move forward, we have to get over that. Conquer it.

That’s what blogging was like for me. I was foolishly trying to make every entry a Pulitzer prize type thing. Yeah, ridiculous I know. Especially when I have more fingers than readers.

So this is me “getting over it”.  I’ll post much more often. Things may not be perfect, but they’ll be honest and as accurate as I can be.

Here’s to the ride.

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