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TestLab v2 – The aborted build

If you missed the first two parts to this , start here and continue  here….


So the reason for the long delay in finishing this is due to some hardware problems with my test server. What was going to work fine for a 2012 server, doesn’t work for crap in 2016.

The problem is in the CPU. The old server I had planned on using as a lab does NOT have a SLAT capable chip. Since that’s a requirement for 2016 Hyper-V, it’s kind of a show stopper.

However – all is not lost! Jason Helmick and Melissa Januszko cooked up a PowerShell Automated Lab Environment that uses Virtual Engine Lability to easily stand up a lab environment on any Windows 10 machine. You don’t even have to manually download the ISO files for the OS install. Now I can very easily stand up/ tear down a lab with little fuss.

So with the lab situation handled, I’m moving on!

My goals this year is to get better with DSC, Pester testing and to complete a build pipeline for work. Let’s see how it goes…..

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