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Powershell Tuesday Quick Tip #1

Let’s see how many Tuesdays I can do this!  The goal: a quick oneliner or at most 2-3 lines of code to do something timesaving and useful. For the Powershell gurus some may be simplistic but I can vouch that these all WORK as of spring of 2018. Which is more than you can say for some of the stuff that comes up for a Bing/Google (Bing-gle) search.

So today’s is something that came up today. I needed to change the mailbox/calendar settings on Rooms for meeting reservations in Outlook.

PROBLEM: By default, a Room mailbox only publishes meetings as “Busy” for any but the organizer.  So when other people really need that room, they don’t even know who to contact about maybe changing times around.


Get-Mailbox -Filter {(RecipientTypeDetails -eq "RoomMailbox")}|
ForEach-Object {Set-CalendarProcessing "$_" -AddOrganizerToSubject $True -DeleteComments $False -DeleteSubject $False}

Of course you have to be connected to Office 365 in your Powershell session first. Instructions on that are detailed here: Microsoft Docs 

See ya next week!

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