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And now for something completely different………..

So I had the cool project going for the email account scripting and all of that mentioned in the previous post.

But then the inevitable happened. Pulled from that project to work on this more important project, pulled from that second project to work on putting out this fire. Blah blah blah the story of an IT Pro in a smaller company. It’s both my greatest joy and largest pain, so rather than a long pause between posts, I thought I’d dash out a little blog-blurb  about what’s going on.

The major project that pulled my attention away from the Exchange reporting project is actually related.  While I was working on that and sharing some preliminary results with some senior management folks, they say “ bah those people don’t need email – just delete them”.

Of course that throws a monkey wrench into the employee onboarding script I had written some time ago. See at that point, the policy was ‘Everyone gets a mailbox’ and I was a bit of a larval scripter, certainly not quite a toolmaker. Of course the result of that was a one size fits all script that had a lot of assumptions and not much reusability. So with the change in policy, I took one look at the old script and said  OH HELL NO! Time to refactor.

So what was a 200 line script that did several things all intertwined is in the process of becoming a full fledged module with six Advanced Functions plus a ‘controller’ script to tie them all together.

The bad news is that put my Exchange/Archive joining project on hold.

The good news is that this refactored User Profile Tools module will save us a lot of time, confusion and headache. Bonus round,I’ll have another subject for this blog  Smile

Until Next Time…………………

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